With thanks for garnet, the gift of life; ivory, the gift of music; myrrh, the gift of healing.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Robbie Burns Night

I had fun last night playing for my third year with Chris Yamate at the Pelican Inn Robbie Burns Night on the coast of Muir Woods. http://www.pelicaninn.com

Robert Burns was the famous "ploughman poet" of Scotland (1759-1796). Burns Nights are traditional celebrations of his birthday (January 25, close to mine!) with drink, haggis with mashed potatoes and turnips (MMMmmm), and poetry readings. My first-time falling down strapped into my piano accordion (fortunately not while playing) was not due to drink, nor did I eat the haggis! (I had my feast and drink before going in: peanut butter sandwich and tea.)

Burns' poetry can be read at:

Fun, as always, was watching Joshua Haiman dance; having know him since he was born, one of our kids' peers in their home school group. He's become a top-notch Scottish dancer, teacher, entertainer, a joy to watch, better each time I see him.

I'd hoped to get a photo of Chris and me, but forgot. The host took some photos; if I get one, I'll add it later. Something new this year was the number of people taking photos and recording on their smart phones, a sign of the times.

A Bard's Epitaph, Robert Burns, 1786.
Is there a whim-inspired fool,
Owre fast for thought, owre hot for rule,
Owre blate to seek, owre proud to snool,
Let him draw near;
And owre this grassy heap sing dool,
And drap a tear.

Is there a bard of rustic song,
Who, noteless, steals the crowds among,
That weekly this area throng,
O, pass not by!
But, with a frater-feeling strong,
Here, heave a sigh.

Is there a man, whose judgment clear
Can others teach the course to steer,
Yet runs, himself, life's mad career,
Wild as the wave,
Here pause-and, thro' the starting tear,
Survey this grave.

The poor inhabitant below
Was quick to learn the wise to know,
And keenly felt the friendly glow,
And softer flame;
But thoughtless follies laid him low,
And stain'd his name!

Reader, attend! whether thy soul
Soars fancy's flights beyond the pole,
Or darkling grubs this earthly hole,
In low pursuit:
Know, prudent, cautious, self-control
Is wisdom's root.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun (except for the falling down part!)
    Wish we could have been there!
